View single post by moonlight1811
 Posted: Sun May 20th, 2012 23:01


Joined: Sat May 19th, 2012
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 46
Robert wrote: If your lens is 52mm and the close up lenses are 55mm then yes that is exactly what you need.

In a way your mom may have done you a favour, getting the 55mm close up lenses means if you do get another lens for your camera, they have a better chance of them fitting directly, provided of course it has 52 or 55mm threads.

The depth of focus for close up images is always very shallow, no matter what the method. The greater the magnification the shorter the distance which contains an acceptably sharp image becomes.

The only way to get closer without loosing depth of focus is to crop the image and enlarge the displayed image but that still has severe limitations.


I will just view it as my mom having done me a favor! She was really just trying to do something nice for me.

I think I will just have to play around with them once the adapter arrives in order to properly understand everything you've said. I think I'm more of a visual and kinesthetic learner =]

Also, thanks for clearing up the thing about the clicks. Had me freaked out for a second there!
