View single post by Iain
 Posted: Fri Aug 31st, 2018 17:32

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Posts: 1411
Robert wrote:
Steady on JK, your going to have a heart attack!!! :needsahug:

Almost anybody with serious photographic needs is likely to be running a computer with a fairly up to date OS. Therefore not an issue for the majority, don't know anything about Windows but El-Capitan is history in the Mac world.

The idea of software running on legacy OS's can only go so far back, the complexity, bloat and snags of trying to achieve that for a limited number of users can't be justified. In my opinion that's why there are so many issues with Windows because they try to make it run-on thousands of different hardware combinations and work with a wide range of software vendors, all with their own ideas.

There has to be an OS cut off sometimes, for the benefit of the majority of users.

How far back do we go? OS7.6, OS 9.1, or OS10.1? Windows 3.1 anybody? Don't think so! LOL

Unfortunately Robert my Mac pro is a 3.1 so is maxed out with El-Capitan so I'm knackered and I don't intend buying a new Mac just to run Lightroom and PS.