View single post by jk
 Posted: Mon Aug 27th, 2018 06:41

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
GeoffR wrote:
jk wrote: So will Z7 give the same when it is loaded with firmware that is not beta or pre-production?
This link, Nikon Rumours, suggests that Nikon see the Z6 and Z7 as equivalent to the D750 and D850. It would certainly not be a good idea for Nikon to make the Z series inferior to the SLRs so I think it safe to assume that the intention is that the Z7 will at least equal the D850 in performance terms.

I certainly hope you are right Geoff as I dont want to be lumbered with a Z7 that is a £4k piece of jewellery. I need a camera that is as good as the D600 at least but preferably as good D800/D850 in terms of AF speed and quality.
Some of the reports are people who havent 'used' mirrorless in serious work but I would say that my Fuji XT2 is as good as my D600.

If the Z7 is equal to or better than my XT2 then I am happy but if it is like my XT1 then it will go back as not fit for purpose!

Still learning after all these years!