View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun May 20th, 2012 02:46

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
moonlight1811 wrote:
Doug wrote: Robert wrote:
Hi Mellisa, Welcome to the forum.
This digital film is free, if you mess up it didn't cost a dime. When you get it right it's very rewarding.

Welcome Melissa, what Robert says is not quite true. :banghead:
If you were to capture 1000 shots each week your camera would be very likely to need major repair or replacement inside 2 years.:sick:
That's still very much cheaper than film ever was:-):-):-)

Really? Well, that's not so good. What happens to it?

I don't think I've captured 1000 shots per week since I've had it. Maybe about a third of that though.

Now I feel like I should be worried! This new camera is like my baby! lol

Well when I made that statement I was referring to the the cost of the film media, not the wear and tear on the camera hardware, which I think is fairly clear in my text.

If Doug wants to introduce the wear and tear aspect then I suppose that is a factor. But, I suspect if Mellisa is so keen and takes 1000 exposures a week over two years that will be over 100,000 exposures. from her own estimate of 300/week that will be 31,000 over two years.

If Mellisa takes that many images, I suspect after two years she may feel a replacement with a more capable camera may be justified at that time? Perhaps a D7200?

As a matter of interest I checked out the shutter failure rates for the D3000 and D5000 (Not specifically the D3100).

This data is not verified so take it with a pinch of salt, ignore the extremes. Remember most people just take pix, they don't usually take the time to report non failure. The camera has a 12 month guarantee, if it survives the first year of fairly busy usage I would venture that it will be OK for a lot more clicks.

I feel I use my D200's pretty intensively, they have <15,000 clicks. It's rare on this forum to hear of a shutter failure in a consumer camera. Occasionally one of the pro users has a problem but that will usually be with a heavily used pro camera.
