View single post by moonlight1811
 Posted: Sat May 19th, 2012 18:23


Joined: Fri May 18th, 2012
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 46
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the kind welcome!

Would something like this suffice as an adapter to make the macro close up lenses work?

Went ahead and posted a link to amazon since I would rather be sure it's right this time! The closest thing we have to a camera shop here is Best Buy...and they're not the most friendly and usually aren't very knowledgeable either.

Thanks for the tip on the secret weapon! I think I understand what you mean with the tripod and turning off the AF. I read somewhere that if I were to use these macro lenses from the kit that I won't even be able to use auto focus and will have no other choice but to use manual focus. Is this true?

I have definitely been having a lot of fun! I just wish I could devote even more time to it. 
