View single post by novicius
 Posted: Tue Jul 31st, 2018 10:17

Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
Robert wrote:
I have an external AC power supply for the D3, it has output >12V. Somewhere about 13.8 Volts I think from memory. I just can't put my hands on it right now to check. ☹️

A fully charged EN EL4 having stood for a few days I checked just now reads 12.65V, another battery fresh off the charger reads 12.5V.

The actual cell voltage is determined by the chemistry of the battery. It's the capacity and flow which can vary according to design. The more active chemicals you can stuff into a given cell the more capacity the battery will have, within certain limits.

Prompted by this thread I have ordered an EN-EL4a from the eBay supplier in Preston, he answered an enquiry promptly and was helpful so I ordered one.

Such are my experiences as well, Alkalines fresh off the factory can even show 1.8 Volts.

" Prompted by this thread I have ordered an EN-EL4a "...was that a subtle way of saying that we are of Bad Influence to you , forcing you to part with your Hard Earned cash ...:lol:

What brand of EN_EL4a is it , and what are the specs.,..and how much incl. freight ?

Back in Danmark

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The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.