View single post by novicius
 Posted: Mon Jul 30th, 2018 16:19

Joined: Sun Aug 12th, 2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Posts: 441
Robert wrote:
I would avoid the 3400mAh cells for two reasons, firstly that is an exaggerated vendor claim, only achievable under special conditions and secondly I doubt the existing Nikon control units would be tolerant or work well with the the difference in Voltage.

I would stick with known high quality cells from Samsung or I think, Panasonic.

There are I believe only three manufacturers of cells apart from the unknown quality coming from China, I realise the cells I am getting will be Chinese but with complete batteries all the components will match, re-celling a Nikon brand battery will involve mixing unknowns. The original Nikon cells were Samsung I think I showed that in my thread from February.

Anyway, good luck, just be careful, very careful. I understand the challenge aspect but in this case I think prudence is a big factor too, not to mention the economics!

Yes, I am skeptical about vendor`s claims , on the other hand , lower voltage usually results in higher amps.

There are reports about dodgy third party Batts. that do not deliver as promised, including my own experiences with EN-4 batts.( D1 series) , after only a few chargings they gave up..opened one up and saw what I believe t` be Nicads !!...replaced with Fujitsu white Nihm`s and All is well now.

I may have been lucky with the EN-EL4`s I purchased last year,but can not get those, another reason for having a go at it myself.

Back in Danmark

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The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.