View single post by GeoffR
 Posted: Sun Jul 29th, 2018 09:44


Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Denham, United Kingdom
Posts: 293
novicius wrote:  Too Many technologies..I don't think it is too many technologies, it is a preponderance of information on the internet and a shortage of trusted sites. I find the ICAO, IATA and UK CAA sites to be extremely useful and trustworthy. For many things relating to technology aviation authorities are likely to have good information or will link to authoritative sites. They have to offer good accurate information, lives depend upon it.
The NTSB, AAIB, ATSB and other accident investigation bodies have good web sites too but they are harder to navigate unless you know where to look. Incidents, such as Lithium ion battery fires, are thoroughly investigated and the technologies researched. The report on this page ET-AOP has some excellent information on Li-ion batteries.