View single post by GeoffR
 Posted: Sun Jul 29th, 2018 06:41


Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Denham, United Kingdom
Posts: 293
Robert wrote: novicius wrote:

And another thing, if by some misfortune you do experience a fire with an Li-Ion battery never douse it with water, that will feed the fire.
The recommended action for a Li-ion battery fire is to cool the battery, or device, with water. There is no Lithium metal in a Li-ion battery.
The fire risk is from the organic solvent that is the electrolyte not from any lithium metal.
The reason for submerging in water is to cool the battery and prevent additional cells from becoming involved. This is what will happen if there is a fire in a phone or other device with a Li-ion battery onboard an aircraft. Watch the right hand video on this page Lithium battery advice: CAA. Note that using an extinguisher to knock down the fire will NOT cool the battery and reignition remains possible. The video shows the use of a BCF (Halon) extinguisher which remains legal for in-flight use.If a camera battery starts to smoke, dropping it in a sink full of water is probably the quickest, easiest and safest action.

Last edited on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 06:45 by GeoffR