View single post by moonlight1811
 Posted: Sat May 19th, 2012 15:09


Joined: Fri May 18th, 2012
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 46
Hello everyone,

I'm very very new to the DSLR World and the photography world in general. I just bought my Nikon D3100 a couple of weeks ago. The only lens I have right now is the 18-55mm lens that came with the body when I purchased it.

I don't have the cash for an additional lens right now, so my mom thought she would do something nice and got me a "Close-Up Macro Lens Set 55mm" from Now, I don't know if I'm just an idiot or what the deal is...but none of the lens attachments in the lens set seem to fit. I thought you would just need to screw them onto the top of the camera lens. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong?

If anyone would help that would be really awesome. Thanks.

