View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Jul 27th, 2018 06:25

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6874
Technically yes the batteries should be termed Li-Ion batteries but in current market speak (check Google) they are Lion batteries.
So either term is probably useable.

Been working with these batteries for a long time now and I have moved from the tagged cells to using the battery holders where I can exchange the individual 18650 cells and recharge them rather using sealed battery systems like I developed for D1/D1X/D2X.
I cannot believe it is 15 years ago since I first did the initial conversions for people.

Latest version of my how to conversion document.

If Nikon had made slightly less compact (more space) battery compartment, e.g. those on Canons then I would have had a much easier to develop product.

Reminder to all. Lion batteries tend to die after about 5 years use or 400-1000 recharges. It does depend on how you treat the batteries.

Still learning after all these years!