View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Dec 7th, 2017 12:39

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6843
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
OK I found what I wanted ITW Waterbury G hook flat.

No source in UK, or EU.

10 buckles (red), Costs £6.38 + £0.35 P&P from China.
Be here in January.

I'm happy as I have loads of 1" webbing.

Just goes to show how we are ripped off in UK! £3.50 EACH!

Just as well I found my one in China.
Yes a huge rip off in UK.

Holy cr@£ I just saw the price of the Cobra buckle! ˆ £25 each. I found them for £3.50 for two in China.

Still learning after all these years!