View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Nov 19th, 2017 17:10

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
jk wrote:
How it happens:

- first, the raw data for M and S is resampled in the camera, to get 7,104 x 4,728 and 6,216 x 4,136 from 8,288 x 5,520;

- next, it is resampled in raw converter software, to get 6,192 x 4,128 from 7,104 x 4,728, and 4,128 x 2,752 from 6,216 x 4,136.

The first part is as I expected an EXPEED5 processing event.
I dont understand the second part.

I suppose if the second part is a raw converter event, it would be interesting to know if ALL raw converters do it?

Still don't understand the wisdom of down sampling photos in camera or in raw converter. Any intervention that reduces an image size, however effected, is an inevitable quality downgrade....however well effected.

I never downsample an image till it's required at a lower resolution....and always keep the full size version, just in case. This was a lesson learnt very early on in digital, when I was required to print a large exhibition panel 4m x 3m from a photo I had accidentally downsampled in PS and oversaved at kb size!

After all, we never cutdown our trannies and negatives

I prefer to have the biggest possible master ...just in case.


Last edited on Sun Nov 19th, 2017 17:25 by Eric
