View single post by Ray Ninness
 Posted: Sun May 13th, 2012 11:22
Ray Ninness


Joined: Sat Apr 7th, 2012
Location: Bedford, New Hampshire USA
Posts: 92
Zactly Eric???

I have been assembling images for a book on motorcycle racing back in the 70's. And as I go through all those old negative, scanning and trying to make something understandable out of the lot!!  I can remember riders names, places, incidents, like it was yesteray, and I can tell you my image storage techniques back then consisted on a folded sheet of 8.5X11 paper and the barest if any notations.. So I guess I have come a long way today!!

Today I have my image drive set up by year, and everything I put into those files is identified by a simple reference to what is in the folder, period..

I have had tons of help trying to use one or the other of several image cataloging software's, and it just doesn't work for me???

Something along the lines of "Teaching and Old Dog, New Tricks" I assume!!


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire