View single post by Hawkeye
 Posted: Sat May 12th, 2012 07:57

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom
Posts: 30
Hawkeye wrote: jk wrote: I have used GPS on my camera since the Nikon D1 allowed it.

GPS is now well supported on Nikon cameras.
There are dedicated Nikon GPS units that work well and these populate the EXIF data fields so you can see where your pictures were taken.

I actually have used the Custom Idea GPS unit since 2007.  It is very small well featured and cheap.
See here.  Custom Idea GPS unit

Thanks for the info JK - I'm off to the Yellowstone and Grand Tetons area later this year and was looking for something like this - it is now on its way to me from Custom Idea! Thanks 

Further info on the GeoPic device from CustomIdea - I purchased one for the D800 - found it did not work with this camera. I emailed CustomIdea about it and was told it was only compatible with the Nikon D200/D300/D700/D2HS/D2X/D2XS/D3 and Fuji S5 Pro - not the D800 - this is more that a bit odd - but there it is, so I hope they will take it back!

Ken Hawkins