View single post by Gilbert Sandberg
 Posted: Fri Feb 10th, 2017 11:22
Gilbert Sandberg


Joined: Mon Apr 16th, 2012
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 196
re: will drain...
I tend to agree with Eric and others.
Using long shutter speeds, live-view etcetera may drain a battery several times faster than normal daytime use.
Do not forget that the D5nnn series are consumer-grade camera's, the options for live view etcetera may come in useful, but were of no consideration when designing the battery size/life.
In other words: if you wanted long battery life in those conditions, the weight and cost would of the camera+battery be like a Pro-grade D3/4/5 camera.
If you want reliable power for the circumstances mentioned: consider mains-power on the camera.
Regards, Gilbert