View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Jun 20th, 2016 14:16

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Eric wrote:

Nice pan capture! Can I ask why you used 110mm instead of 200mm? And why f10? can the cropped images both be '100%' they are different crops?
I've never understood what a 100% crop was anyway. :doh:

Thanks Eric, was pretty please myself!

116mm fits the Rockingham text into a whole frame... With a little room for adjustment cropping.

I wanted the Rockingham text as background, these may be used as publicity images or on the team website, having something like that adds a dimension, perhaps!

F10 because I wanted 1/250sec, which seems to give a good balance of blur in the wheels and background, yet is fast enough to kill the vertical movement of the car bouncing on the track. I have taken to using auto ISO, with Manual exposure mode, watching the scale on the RHS of the viewfinder, adjusting the aperture so the indication shown neither over nor under exposure range, giving me a good DoF.

100% crop is one pixel of the image matching one pixel on the screen, a 1:1 ratio, a screenshot at 1:1 is described as 100% crop. The reason they are different sizes is our forum software resizes the images to it's own taste. I should have used Flicker hosting like I usually do, it's far better for this sort of thing. It posts actual size. I was tired and trying to save time.
