View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Jun 9th, 2016 11:41

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Have been reading up on this, *some* 2Gb cards are not recognised in a D1x.

The card needs to be partitioned max 2Gb FAT16 Not sure how in a Mac... perhaps via command line. I am not comfortable using command line for that sort of task, might re-format one to the Mac drives 2Gb!

How this reconciles with the recommendation to re-format 'in-camera' I don't know. Once images have been offloaded, I always re-format cards in camera, immediately prior to use.

I still don't understand why:

a) I had a 4GB Sandisk CF card which was formatted 2Gb, I don't remember doing it.

b) Why when I tried to re-forma that card in camera it reverted to 4Gb and refused to format in the D1x camera again.

The only possible explanation is that one of the D1's might have been used to format it? I know this happened once before in my very early days, I think I used a little Sony P&S (Cybershot?) to re-format a reluctant CF card for the D1, it then worked OK.

I tried this search:

how to format a cf card fat 16 on a mac

This is one result that came up... I have looked at two Sandisk 4Gb CF cards and can't see the switch...
