View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun May 6th, 2012 04:52

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Thanks for the link to the review Ed.
I read it end to end and can say that whilst I have never seen or used a Leica S2 that it is probably closest to what I consider would be my favourite SLR camera that I never owned but used, namely the Pentax 67.
This camera and my Hasselblad 2000FC are as far as I remember the cameras I most enjoyed using and also produced awesome quality.
The F2, F3 yes were great but then I got lazy and got a F801 but not the same outright quality. The D3 returned me to happy land as long as I dont get sloppy and in the studio with flash is incredible. My Fuji XP1 with its 16MP seems to yield incredible colour and sharpness (maybe the D4 would be better than the D3S after all!) but for me a D800 is the next one not for the MP count but because of its AF performance but also I can shoot FX and crop out to x1.5 as though I was shooting a DX camera, but also in the studio I will get incredible results.[code][/code]

Still learning after all these years!