View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Jan 9th, 2016 13:16

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4463
DaveFromRI wrote:
Other than cost (+$200) and no GPS, the P5500 seems like a better camera, including but not limited to touch-screen and better battery life.

Opinions regarding the P5300 vs the P5500?

Yea, I've searched the 'net, but I'd like to hear real person perspective's and view points.

You wouldn't see any difference in the images taken on those cameras.

Buy the D5300 ...and save a few bucks for more glass.


Here's a side by side comparison....

The only negative I see with the D5300 is the battery life...which MAY be something to do with gps drain?? But when it comes to battery life I have never had any battery issues since the D1X ! I rarely take 800 shots in a day, so there is no hardship to recharge at night....or carry a spare battery.
