View single post by Doug
 Posted: Fri May 4th, 2012 12:57


Joined: Mon Apr 9th, 2012
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 187
When you buy a good lens it will attract a 70% (or higher) resale value in good condition whether it is a day or five years old (provided it remains current and maintains the same street price)*

If the 60mm Micro Nikkor can be had for $500 then you can probably sell it for $350+ at some future date (provided it is looked after)

Wouldn't you hire a lens like this for $30/year?

*this wouldn't be true for a lens like the 18-200 which could easily lose 50% or more of its value

Btw 60mm is 60mm and DX merely means a smaller image circle covering a smaller sensor leading to greater magnification when that image is compared to one from a larger sensor
As a result DX lenses are more likely to lose value, particularly if future bodies, like the rumored D400, move away from DX

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