View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Nov 24th, 2015 19:59

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
This evening I stopped at Glenridding on the shore of Ulswater at about 9pm, the sun has set at about 4pm. There was an almost a full moon high in the sky, almost overhead but lots of fast moving cloud.

I set the D200 fitted with Nikkor 20mm f2.8 lens to my heavy tripod and chose manual, 8 seconds at f2.8, ISO400, I set the White Balance to manual, cloudy.

I have played with it in Lightroom a bit but I am a bit limited using the MBP (laptop).

Once I get home I can choose the best image more easily and process it.

I had intended to stack median process to minimise the noise but the fast moving clouds and reflections pretty well rule that out.

Last month, when the moon was at it's maximum, the 'blood moon', was the first time I had spotted this scene, there was no wind or clouds, the brightness was amazing and the reflections in the water were magical. I doubt if I will ever see it so spectacular again but I will try!
