View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 16:09

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
amazing50 wrote:
Thom's survey reflected a survey that Nikon had sent to an nth-name selection of their registered user base.

If you read it lays out the setting.

There were 4000 replies from one posting of the survey at the bottom of the above article.

Obviously most of the respondents are regular readers and aware of the futility of trying to send a message to Nikon.


The only way you will get a D400 is if EVERYONE answered NO/ NONE to the questions 3...'are you planning to upgrade this year' and 4....'to which of the current models'. Then to question 7 say what you want...EVERYTHING THE D7200 ISNT!

Unfortunately getting a unified answer on those 3questions sufficient to speak volumes to Nikon needed organisation. People give wooly answers when answering independently.

No company could ignore ALL its selected user base saying they wouldn't upgrade to any current models until they did x y z to the current DX body.

Last edited on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 16:16 by Eric
