View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Jul 1st, 2015 06:45

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4424
I've recently been collating photos, that have been hidden on a hard disk for a number of years, into themed books. It started with some specific holidays (eg 2 months in Europe 2013). In the UK a company called Bonusprint are doing periodic vouchers at ridiculously low prices (100pages for £19) and we have taken advantage of several.

What it does is hone your photo assessment skills. Looking through hundreds of images and selecting the tens of images that best describe the subject, is a challenging yet rewarding exercise. Rather like the old days when you selected the best photo to hopefully win the club competition, you need to look for image quality, subject interest but also the message the photo conveys.

What you get is an enriched snapshot of an event or period in a coffee table book, much more accessible and much better than the old photo albums crammed with every print...which fell out or faded.

I was quite dismissive of the quality when they first emerged on the scene. But improvements in digital printing have come a long way. Sure you may need to preadjust some images to better suit the blocky digital print, but the result is well worth the effort.

I had considered doing an IR book, but am perhaps unfairly concerned about releasing high res specialist images to a print house, who might have unscrupulous people copying and using unusual images.

Maybe that's my paranoia.o.O

Anyway ...I commend you to 'doing something' with those archived memories.:thumbsup:

Last edited on Wed Jul 1st, 2015 06:54 by Eric
