View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Aug 16th, 2014 03:35

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
Eric wrote:
Robert wrote:
Eric, it may have been through Bibble 4 which I seem to remember does go below 2000, although I don't think it's calibrated as such... in the same way as ACR is.

The whole process of WB calibration against green is really only relevant if you are shooting jpeg or need some help visualising the image on the LCD.

If you shoot on auto wb the image is invariable horribly red. But using an ACR or Bibble preset of c. 2000/-75 brings the image back closer to 'normaility'. I suspect 1500degK would be better, if it is attainable.

I hadnt realised this until one of your earlier posts. :-)

I also found an article about using the DNG Profile Editor and followed it but it was like everything DNG a heap of DuNG! Adobe have really completely mis-sold DNG to the general public. Fortunately I never bought into their idea. However there are people out there who now shoot in RAW import into Lightroom, convert the RAW into DNG and dump the RAW file. If there is a more stupid workflow then it can only be to delete the DNG as well once you have the jpg.

Still learning after all these years!