View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Jun 5th, 2014 07:11

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Hi all
Yes as Robert said we have been plagued with non existent internet on the campsites where we stayed.

We are at Calais and hope to cross and return home over weekend.

Going has been a bit slower than we might have planned.

The truth is, hitching up a caravan, steering a car for 3 or so hours and then pitching at a campsite (with all leg winding, toilet emptying, fresh and grey water container lugging) was a lot more painful than I expected. I have needed a rest day with my arms not outstretched and doing something, after each stage.

Poor old sod. :lol:

I didn't send ALL the photos of my wifes body to Robert....don't want to put him off his food.

Looking forward to getting home and regrouping...lots to organise and sort.

Not the least is the purchase of another vehicle. Jan wants to buy a used chieftain tank ensure this doesn't happen again. But I don't think they do them in her preferred colours and not sure I could afford the fuel or insurance.

