View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri May 23rd, 2014 12:37

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Iain wrote:
Eric wrote:
Iain wrote:
Glad to hear that you and Jan are in a bit better condition than the car. Hope everything gets sorted out for you.

Thanks Iain...bit sore at the moment. But Jan's more banged up than me. Her legs obviously got flung against the glove box as she has two nasty swellings under her knees and a swollen ankle.

I know seat belts are a life saver ....but the damage they do to the chest is quite significant.

Happy days.

Being ex ambulance service I've seen the damage seat belts can do but better some bruising or cracked ribs and being alive than the alternative.

About the ONLY good thing I can say about the Italian medical treatment was the girl in the ambulance. Being bounced around in a tiny vehicle on those rough roads the ambulance lady successfully and perfectly (without any later bruising) inserted a cannula in Jans arm. My eyes were out on stalks that she was attempting it ...but she was brilliant. For the rest of the service I wouldn't give you 2cents. On discharge they REMOVED the dressing off Jans cut neck and then told us to get some painkillers and dressings from a Pharmacia.
