View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat May 17th, 2014 16:52

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Guys I really messed up. I went back to the wreck yesterday to get all my possessions but forgot to take the camera. In fairness it nearly laid me out again struggling to lift several heavy objects (eg caravan spare wheel!) with cracked ribs, so I don't think I would have been on best form. I am not allowed to go back to the car now as its an insurance wreck 'owned' by the salvage garage I wont get any more images.

I have some shots of the accident (mainly the third party vehicle position and the road conditions to show It wasn't my fault) and will sort some out when I get home.

Waiting for replacement vehicle coming from UK now. Mixed feeling as although I will be more familiar with RHD.....the seat belts will be resting on the same damaged places!! The insurers wont send the car till their medical assessor is happy I am fit to drive. So we may be here for a few more days yet.

Last edited on Sat May 17th, 2014 16:54 by Eric
