View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu May 15th, 2014 14:42

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
jk wrote:
OMG... Glad to hear that you and Jan are OK.
Hmmm. Arent you glad you were in a Volvo not a lighter car!

Take care. DONT OVERDO IT as you will feel pretty shaken up in the next week or so.

BTW: I'm impressed that you managed to do a photoshoot after the accident.

I did a few shots to demonstrate telltale road debris IN FRONT OF my cars resting place and the other car with impact damage on BOTH sides. Tried to do a panorama...that's when I realised something wasnt right with the chest. Lol

Spoke to insurers today. He had the bl***dy cheek to say I "should have got the third party details and car reg.”

My answer went "the other driver and passenger had to be cut from the car....the caribinieri sealed the road off for nearly 2 you really think they would let me interrogate this Italian guy on his stretcher in a waiting ambulance?". Some insensitive muppet reading off a screen again.

Off back to the wreck tomorrow to empty heavy personal items i couldnt manage yesterday. Will try to remember to get some snaps.

Last edited on Thu May 15th, 2014 14:46 by Eric
